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Final winner of the World Cup 2024

World Cup

  • Yquem II | SUI2 | Société Nautique de Genève (SNG) | 2002 | Modern

Classic Yachts (Sira)

  • Vision | KC3 | Yacht Club Imperia | 1930 | Neptune

Vintage Yachts (Neptune Trophy)

  • Vision | KC3 | Yacht Club Imperia | 1930 | Neptune

First Rule Yachts (First Rule Cup)

  • Njord of Cowes | K13 | Royal Ocean Racing Club | 1918 | First Rule

Coppa d'Italia

  • Vision | KC3 | Yacht Club Imperia | 1930 | Neptune

Generations Cup

  • Vision | KC3 | Yacht Club Imperia | 1930 | Neptune

Corinthian Trophy

  • Athena | K36 | Etobicoke Yacht Club | 1939 | Neptune
Congratulations to all participants!
Hope you had a good time!
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there are two people standing on the bow of a sailboatthere are two people on a sailboat in the ocean

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