Gefion is based on the famous 12-Metre Kiwi Magic\ (KZ-7). Sigge Svensson from Sweden campaigned her hard and with Phillip Crebbin at the tiller Gefion won the Worlds 5 times. Benoit de Gorski from Geneva bought Gefion in 1999 and with Pierre Bonjour at the tiller she continued to win the Worlds two more times. Last year Gefion was completely overhauled at Decision, the yard known for building the winning America's Cup boats of Team Alinghy. In Lindau 2006 Gefion will be sailed by 1993 & 1996 8-Metre World Champion Ron Palm under a Canadian flag. With a top-notch crew and Ron with the experience of 15 (!) 8-Metre World Campaigns, this makes Gefion a boat to beat for anyone intending to climb the podium.