There is a lovely story on Mr.E. One evening, Per Wermelin was having dinner with friends and when he hear his new neighbor was the president of the telecom giant Ericson. Per being Per, left the table and walked over to his neighbor. 2 hours later he joins his friends with a huge grin. Per figured that Ericson could sponsor a new 8-Metre for the Toronto Worlds, that would promote their new cell phones and well, Per lived in a continues state of needing more boats. And so Pelle Petterson design her and the boat was shipped to Toronto. Sponsorship Rules did not allow the company name on the boat so the name was cleverly changed from Mr. E to Mystery. I am told the contract lasted one year so she had to be sold in Toronto. Per figured that if he would paint her black (like Vision) then Robin Clarke would buy her. Well, Robin didn’t fall for the trick and clinged on to Vision, winning the Sira Cup 3 times with her before selling the boat to Eric Mallet. Ron Palm did buy Mystery of Per, raced her, sold her and bought her back. Colin Palm, the son of Ron and Diane Palm now races her from the South shore of Lake Ontairio.