IEMA 2021 Christmas letter

Dear fellow Eight Metre Owners and friends,
It has been 3 months since the new Executive Committee was elected in the General Assembly. Unfortunately, we had to do this at a virtual meeting and not at the occasion of the World Cup in Enkhuizen, Holland as planned.
Covid had made another World Cup impossible to conduct and it has been truly a tough 2 years without racing on the international level and seeing our friends of the Eight Metre Class. We are very grateful to the Enkhuizen organising committee for trying so hard for the last two years. I am sure we will get there one day!
We at the helm have been very active in trying to make sure that we will have a great two years of racing coming. Let us hope the situation allows us to do so in 2022 and beyond.
The SNG in Geneva has their 150 year Anniversary in 2022 and is going to put a great show on display all summer of 2022. The Eight Metre World Cup in July in Geneva will be a tremendous part of that celebration and we look forward to racing again in Geneva. We thank Axel Meyer and his Team from the SNG who are ready now to host a great event.
At the moment there are 14 Boats already preregistered. Please sign up now and take advantage of the “early bird discount“. You should have already received details from Axel. We would like to see 25 – 30 Boats there at least!
The year 2023 is already in the planning as well. For your information, we will be in Genoa at the Yacht Club Italiano end of August for the World Cup and it is our plan to organise a “Mediterranean Cup” for the Eight Metre Class after Genova with several Regattas to be raced as part of the Autumn season. We hope to organise Class starts at Cannes, St Tropez and others.
The Excom is working hard on finding ways to promote our Class and develop ways to expand our presence at the World Cups as well as the regional Classes, which are active in their respective regions.
We have some ideas and we look forward to talking to you in person or via other means in the next months.
At this time, we, on behalf of the entire Excom, want to wish you and your families and friends a Covid-free Christmas and a prosperous, healthy and much better 2022.