The definitive book on the legendary Alfred Mylne

Celebrate the Legacy of Alfred Mylne with this Must-Have Book
This “must have” book is way overdue but also comes just in time for father’s day, mother’s day, birthday, any day really!!
You see, Alfred Mylne designed some of the very best Int. 8-Metres. How about Pandora (ex. Raven)? She was designed by and for Sir Glenn Coats, who was a partner in Alfred Mylne. She won the Sira Cup an unprecedented 8 times. I recall discovering her wreck in California around 1997 and a single call to Ralph Reimann was enough for him to secure the boat from the scrapyard. Within days he sent a truck to pick her up and bring her Toronto. Her second lucky day came when Richard Self bought her and rebuilt her to the Rocketship she is today.
Discover the Timeless Designs of Alfred Mylne
And finally she ended up with IEMA president Werner Deuring. Talking about presidents, how about Cedric Gyles who served as president of NAEMA as well as the Worlds in Toronto? His Eights is the stunningly beautiful 1934 Mylne design Severn II. And what about the First rule boats? Willy Wagner’s Edit comes to mind first, built for the 1912 Olympic games. She’s still going strong, still drop dead gorgeous too ! Anther survivor is the 1911 Dewdrop which sails on Lake Zurich in Switzerland. More than 10 Eights came from Mylne’s drawing board, as well as some of the finest 6, 7, 9, 12, 15 and 19-Metres. And of course a whole string of fantastic offshore cruising and racings boats. The book is huge, 500 pages with loads of illustrations. Ohh well, to make a long story short, this is a “must have” book for anyone who loves metre boats, their stories, their beauty, their stories of victory and defeat. I’ll gladly eat my shoes if the authors will disappoint you!

The Mylne book is now available for ordering online thru Amazon
For a 30 second flick through the book – see here