The future of the Eight Metre Class is turning 86

Timeless Tradition: 86 Years of Youth Sailing
Since 1937 this amazing beautiful first rule Int. 8-Metre has been youth boat of the Lindau Segler Club on Lake Constance. Yes, you read that correctly, 86 years ago the LSC was way ahead of their time by acquiring an 8-Metre for their youth and nothing has changed. This A&R built Eight is still at LSC, it’s still the youth boat and so continues to show us all the way things should be done.
It gives the youth the chance to sail on a big boat, the chance to learn all bout sailing a gaff cutter with jack yard, staysail and jib. It gives them the chance to take a step back in time, learn about the loads and the weight of the wind, the need to anticipate and reduce sail before the squall, set symmetric kites, learn what it takes to make that intricate choreography work on such an over canvassed and grossly understaffed boat.

Bayern designed and built by Abeking & Rasmussen in 1911 and maintained by the same youth that sail her. Andi Lochbrunner is a real force at the LSC, he’s an 8-Metre man in heart and soul, he loves that old Eight Bayern to bits and his enthusiasm is never fails to inspire. This winter Bayern will get a new gaff and jackyard and .. a fresh crew of youngsters, ready to show the old fogies how it’s done !
They follow in the wake of literally hundreds before them, they all know that Bayern was there long before they were born and jointly they cherish the tradition to make sure that lovely Eight will be there long after they’re all gone.